Welcome to The Polished Journey.

I thought long and hard about the possible topics for this first blog. Should I write something encouraging, or something funny, or something informative? Should I write a quick synopsis of the book and end with a rallying call to action invoking you to purchase your copy now? Should I acknowledge the distress we may all feel as Covid-19 and social unrest have demanded our attention for most of 2020?

After weeks of writer’s block, I decided to simply ask, “Are you polished?”

I could not have imagined the DAILY obstacles and challenges I would face attempting to bring the book and this website to you. A new hurdle presented itself every day (trademark challenges, rejected book covers, SSL certifications, designer codes, launch dates, social distancing, privacy policies, accounts, product back-orders, an 80lbs “puppy” that thinks he’s a lap dog, poor internet connections, conflicting calendars, spam mail, “heated fellowships” with my husband…you name it)!

I FINALLY got to this moment and caught a glance of my feet, and according to my pedicure (my hair, my nails and this shirt I have worn twice in the last two days)…I published a book to encourage you to get it together WHILE losing it! I asked myself, “Are you polished,” and quickly scheduled a pamper session to get a mani/pedi. I pushed the website launch date back again, and I spent a day worshiping and cleaning…I needed to reset, so I did.

To say the very least, it has been rough, but I finished. Yep, I cried…but I finished! There were moments that were not pretty, but I finished. Now, pampered, and polished, I celebrate. I celebrate me, you, and this journey. Sis, finish. Whatever it is, finish. We are not the first, and we will not be the last, but we do have to finish WHILE staying committed to self-care.

Well, are you? Are You Polished? Now is a GREAT time to encourage
you to:

  • Pamper Yourself
  • Find Your Rhythm
  • Live Life Abundantly

Oh! One last thing. Get your copy of Are You Polished? NOW!

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