This is our Diversity Statement:
Together, we build an inclusive village that encourages, supports, and celebrates our differences. Diversity is welcomed; however, silence is not an option. We will challenge discrimination, racism, and oppression everywhere.
This is the rest of the blog:
I must be honest. Trying to relaunch a business in 2020 during a pandemic is exciting, and yet challenging and even draining. Relaunching a business in 2020 during a pandemic and worldwide unrest as a result of black and brown people being disproportionately arrested and killed by police, is emotionally exhausting. As an Inclusion & Diversity professional, I was initially hopeful for renewed opportunities to boldly address bias (we all have it), call out racism (prejudice plus power), and mitigate the effects of systemic oppression (patterns, practices, policies and procedures designed to support race prejudice); but as a black woman in America, I am livid my excitement to relaunch a business in 2020, even during a pandemic, has been dimmed by worldwide unrest as a result of black and brown people being disproportionately arrested and killed by police! As a Christian, I am utterly heart broken.
It’s 2020 folks…and I struggle to wrap my mind around the fact this conversation and a “diversity statement” is even necessary. I am fully aware some people clicked out of this website before they could even finish reading the first paragraph. Others may be uneasy as they read these words but are waiting to see where I am going with this. Let me be clear. Perfectly Polished Enterprise, LLC has a global vision to inspire a movement that brings diverse women together and encourages them to pamper themselves, find their rhythm (forward movement in every aspect of their lives), and live life abundantly. In as such, we cannot build a worldwide community of support and not address the beauty of our diversity, encourage inclusion and a sense of belonging, and outright battle prejudice and racism (none of which will be tolerated on our site).
I am a Christian. I am a black, cisgender woman with kinky, curly coils (that I dyed purple, because I can). I am married to a black man, and I LOVE our only son, whom God gave me through my husband’s first marriage. I am expressive, I intentionally laugh loud and often, and yet I am probably one of the most introverted extroverts you could meet. I have been called bougie, spoiled, and ratchet all on the same day! I am also fearfully and wonderfully made…and I KNOW it full well…it would be fruitless to attempt to convince me otherwise! Therefore, I intend to be my holistic self, 100% of the time and I invite you to do the same.