What Color is Your Polish? July 18, 2020 What Color is Your Polish? v2 1. Within my “Village,” I am most often the…a. Fun & exciting oneb. Optimistic onec. Confident oned. Secret keeper (the reassuring one)e. Intelligent onef. Creative one2. During a heated disagreement with a loved one, my goal is to…a. Get to a resolution quickly – forward movementb. Stay supportivec. Stay positive & upbeatd. Find balance, so we both wine. Maintain peace & serenityf. Stay true to my faith3. Select a categorya. Desireb. Fun / Excitementc. Happinessd. Hopee. Trustf. Leadership / Authority4. How I see myself today:a. Passionateb. Rejuvenatingc. Friendlyd. Refreshinge. In charge (Authority/Leadership)f. Unique5. Today I appreciate ___________ the most!a. Actionb. Friendlinessc. Enthusiasmd. Growthe. Honestyf. QualityView Your Results!Your results are waiting for you, enter your email address below!Name First Last Email*